Services and data found on this page cannot be guaranteed.
You should always contact the institution directly to ensure that you have the right information.
The information about this institution was updated on 06/November/2023.
Institution details
Ovocný trh 560/5
116 36 Praha 1
50.0864563, 14.4235127
Disability / Inclusion Office
Contact for Disability Office
Additional information about contacting the Disability/Inclusion Office
International Relations Office
Contact for International Relations Office
Additional information about contacting the International Relations Office
Procedures for students
Procedure to be recognised as a student with fewer opportunities
What is the procedure to be recognised as a student with fewer opportunities?
Currently, the Charles University provides essential support for Erasmus+ students with fewer opportunities such as
- Visual impairments
- Hearing impairments
- Physical impairments
- Specific learning disorders
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Psychological disorders
- Other difficulties (e.g. impaired communication, or chronic somatic disease)
If you are considering yourself a student with fewer opportunities, as a first step, please discuss your wish to undertake an (Erasmus+) stay at the Charles University with the contact person of the faculty where you would like to study:
The central office responsible for support of students with fewer opportunities at Charles University is Carolina Centre. Feel free to contact the centre with all questions and inquiries.
As soon as you are accepted at the Charles University, we highly recommend that you undergo an interview with one of our specialists who will issue an assessment with supporting measures that you can benefit from during your stay. The list of functional diagnosis specialists at the CU is available here:
Necessary documents to provide
The adjustment of your stay according to your special needs and requirements will be much easier when you present us relevant documents proving your condition. There are 4 main types of acknowledgeable documents:
- Medical report containing results of a medical examination
- Document(s) proving specific learning disorder, stamped, and signed by a relevant organization in your country
- Document issued by your home university disability/inclusion office confirming your special needs.
The relevant documentation has to be sent to your host faculty coordinator before the start of the semester. The faculty coordinators contacts are listed at:
What can students expect?
Each of the 17 CU faculties has an authorized contact person for students with fewer opportunities, who will be willing to help you with anything related to your special requirements. Please feel free to contact the coordinator anytime during your stay since all coordinators cooperate with study programmes guarantors and teachers. Contact details are listed at:
Apart from counselling, some faculties also have special offices that provide students with a range of services (e.g. digitized study materials, interpreting and transcription services etc.).
Procedure to be recognised as a student with a disability
What is the procedure to be recognised as a student with a disability?
Same as for students with fewer opportunities.
In case of severe physical disabilities, please contact the fewer opportunities coordinator at the proposed host faculty well ahead of applying for your Erasmus+ stay.
Necessary documents to provide
Same as for students with fewer opportunities
What can students expect?
Please note that due to capacity reasons, full time assistance cannot be provided. Therefore, if it is relevant for you, feel free to bring your own assistant from your home country.
Although the accessibility of CU buildings is one of our long-lasting goals, its achievement is challenging due to the fact that University’s workplaces are usually located in historical buildings. Please check the accessibility of your faculty at:
As a CU Erasmus+ student with disability, you can also ask for discounts and special offers in some museums and theatres.
Adjustments for students with disabilities
Adjustments can be made available for students under certain conditions, based on a needs assessment upon arrival at the University.
What adjustments for studies can be made for students?
- May bring a note taker to educational activities
- May bring a personal assistant to educational activities
- May bring a Sign Language interpreter to the educational activities
- May request adjusted courses materials: size, font and font size, braille, etc.
- May request the course material in digital format
- May request to record lectures
- May use a laptop, tablet or iPad during lectures
- May use elevators and other access facilities on campus
What adjustments for exams can be made for students?
- May take a seat in separate exam room for written exams
- May take more preparation time before the oral exam
- May take more time for the written exam
Other adjustments and services for students with disabilities offered at the institution
Please note that the list of adjustments and services available might be modified according to your own requirements. Each case should be discussed individually, so if you have not found your requirement on the list, please feel free to consult the availability with Carolina Centre: [email protected]
Services and Support
Financial support
Medical and Psychological support
Where to seek medical services?
Charles University Psychological Counselling Centre offers high quality services (in English) to help international students with getting through any challenges that may occur during a stay in a foreign environment.
You are warmly welcome to visit the Counselling Centre personally, but it is also possible to access its services on-line. There is a range of online platforms available such as MsTeams, ZOOM, Skype and some other ones, depending on your agreement with the chosen specialist. To ensure the availability, we highly recommend booking your appointment in advance:
Contact for medical support
Contact for psychological support/counselling
Housing support
Are there any accessible services at the residences?
The Charles University arranges accommodation for its incoming students at CU Halls of Residence. Due to capacity reasons, students are usually housed in double rooms, however, students with relevant special needs can request a single room (with shared bathroom).
If there is a medical reason why you should be housed in a single room, please send a medical proof in English language confirming your request to: [email protected]
Detailed information about the CU halls of residence can be found at:
We also recommend you checking the accessibility of dormitory buildings at:
If you wish to be housed in a particular dormitory adjusted to your special needs, please contact us at [email protected]
Contact for housing support
Additional services
Preparatory visits
Welcoming activities
What specific information is provided for students with disabilities during the orientation days?
The Charles University faculties organize orientation weeks/days for all Erasmus+ incoming students. Detailed information about the orientation period is sent to students after their application is approved.
Students with fewer opportunities are warmly welcome to participate in the university life. The majority of social events is organized by ESN Prague: The ESN will do its best to adjust its activities to your special requirements. However, we kindly ask you to inform the ESN office about your special needs in advance, so these can be considered by the planning.
Buddy programme is also very active at the Charles university: Since all Buddies are working on a voluntary basis and may lack special training, they should not be considered as regular assistants, but can help you with integration in the beginning of your stay.
There are also plenty of student clubs at the CU faculties: Feel free to contact them and ask for possibilities of involvement.