Services and data found on this page cannot be guaranteed.
You should always contact the institution directly to ensure that you have the right information.
The information about this institution was updated on 06/November/2023.
Institution details
Rokitanského 62
500 03 Hradec Králové
50.2089385, 15.8304868
Disability / Inclusion Office
Contact for Disability Office
Additional information about contacting the Disability/Inclusion Office
International Relations Office
Contact for International Relations Office
Additional information about contacting the International Relations Office
Procedures for students
Procedure to be recognised as a student with fewer opportunities
What is the procedure to be recognised as a student with fewer opportunities?
We have no special recognition process for incoming students. Recognition of fewer opportunities is usually matter of students´ home institution. University of Hradec Králové is prepared to welcome these students upon individual agreement.
Necessary documents to provide
No special requirements for incoming students.
What can students expect?
Upon individual agreement.
Procedure to be recognised as a student with a disability
What is the procedure to be recognised as a student with a disability?
- Contact us. The first step is to contact us by email and provide us with information about your special educational needs and which department you plan to study in. After this step, we will arrange either an online (via MS Teams), or face-to-face meeting, in which we can discuss your special needs in detail.
- Submitting documents. At the meeting, you will prove your identity with a valid ID card and submit neccesary documents confirming that you are eligible for measures levelling up study conditions. We consider as admissible documents proving health impairment or other disadvantages (e.g. health impairment certificate or disability certificate, health impairment ID, document on specific learning disorder based on the results of generally accepted psychometric tests, or medical report). If you agree, send these documents scanned in advance via email. You can also use official postal service.
- Consultation. We provide services based on the results of functional diagnostics, which we carry out during the meeting and also based on the classification of your needs into one of the categories according to the functional impact of the impairment, disability or handicap.
Necessary documents to provide
a) ID Card
b) Valid confirmation of your health status. This document describe your health condition, impairment, disability or handicap (e.g. health condition certificate, disability certificate, certificate of specific learning disorder based on the results of widely accepted psychometric tests, or medical report). The more documentation we receive, the better we can determine adequate support.
What can students expect?
If you need support in relation to your special education needs at the University of Hradec Králové, you can expect to have a meeting with us (either online or in person) at the Augustin Centre, you will need to provide us with the above-mentioned documents and stay in touch with us. The contact does not end after the support has been set up, we will continue to ask you how you are doing in your studies. Continuous evaluation of support is important for quality functional diagnosis and levelling of study conditions. Communication will be in either Czech or English.
Adjustments for students with disabilities
Adjustments can be made available for students under certain conditions, based on a needs assessment upon arrival at the University.
What adjustments for studies can be made for students?
- May bring a note taker to educational activities
- May bring a personal assistant to educational activities
- May request adjusted courses materials: size, font and font size, braille, etc.
- May request the course material in digital format
- May request to record lectures
- May use a laptop, tablet or iPad during lectures
- May use elevators and other access facilities on campus
What adjustments for exams can be made for students?
- May bring a personal assistant to the exam for practical help at the beginning and end of the exam
- May move the exams to the appropriate catch-up exam period within the same exam period
- May take a seat in separate exam room for written exams
- May take more preparation time before the oral exam
- May take more time for the written exam
Other adjustments and services for students with disabilities offered at the institution
- Access to study literature
- Interpreting service
- Speech to text service
- Individual lessons
- Personal and study assistance, Study Guidance
- Spatial orientation
- Regime measures
- Time compensation
- Technical and technological facilities - possibility of borrowing compensation aids
- Sign Language interpreter to the educational activities/Sign Language interpreter to oral exams - it may be available under the condition that we are able to find a translator in the Czech Republic who translates from Czech to American/English Sign Language
- Adjustments that may be available but also might pose a problem for teachers (therefore are available upon individual agreement):
- May bring a note taker to oral and written exams
- May use a laptop, tablet or iPad with assistive software during exams
- May use a laptop, tablet or iPad with standard software during exams
Services and Support
Financial support
What extra financial support for incoming students with disabilities is offered?
No regular offer. Upon individual agreement with International Office of the respective faculty where student is going to study.
Medical and Psychological support
Where to seek medical services?
University of Hradec Králové doesn´t have it own Medical Department. But students can visit a contract doctor. It is necessary to bring passport, health insurance card and student card (ISIC).
At our city there is also the University Hospital Hradec Králové (Sokolská 581) - this is where the Department of Emergency Medicine is (only for very serious cases that can´t wait) and the Health Centre III (tř. E. Beneše 1549/34).
Contact for medical support
Contact for psychological support/counselling
Housing support
Are there any accessible services at the residences?
Accommodation may be provided by UHK, at the University Halls of Residence Palachova.
Students stay in the two-bedroom flat with a shared kitchen, bathroom, and toilet. Bedrooms are double or triple. We do not provide single rooms. Bedrooms are furnished with bed, table, chair, and wardrobe. Bed linen, duvet, pillow, and sheet are provided. The dormitories are equipped with a common room, study room, laundry room.
We have also 4 apartments specially adapted for disabled students. These students usually have bedroom just for themself.
Housing applications for students applying for an exchange stay are included in the standard application form. Every student who stays at the dormitory must pay a refundable deposit of 2000 CZK on arrival.
If students do not tick the option that they want to be accommodated in the dormitory in the application form or if they prefer a single room or private housing, they are supposed to arrangeit on their own.
The accommodation is guaranteed only for students who keep the deadline for applying.
In case of insufficient capacity of the dormitory, UHK will help to provide offer of alternative accommodation.
Have a look a guide about student acommodation in Hradec Králové:
Contact for housing support
Additional services
Preparatory visits
What is the procedure to request a preparatory visit?
No official procedure. Upon individual agreement with International Office of the respective faculty where student is going to study.
What can be expected from the preparatory visit?
Deepening knowledge and experience, mutual mutual agreement on needs and possibilities