Other types of mobility

Other types of mobility

The most common type of mobility in Europe is the Erasmus+ Higher Education Programme, explained above. However, there are many different types of mobilities and below you will find information about these.


In some cases it is also possible to study a period abroad outside of any mobility programme. Students doing this are called “free-movers”. Being outside of a programme means that there may be fewer support structures around you, and likely no grant to cover costs. It may also mean that you will have to pay a tuition fee at the host institution. In order to find out whether this works, you need to contact the potential host institution and ask them directly.

National and institutional programmes

Apart from the other programmes mentioned, some individual Higher Education Institutions and countries have their own mobility programmes. There is no centralised overview of these, so you need to check with your individual Higher Education Institution and/or country

European Solidarity Corps

The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) is the EU's new programme for promoting solidarity as a value, mainly through volunteering. It aims to enhance the engagement of young people and organisations in accessible and high-quality solidarity activities, thereby strengthening cohesion, solidarity, democracy and citizenship in Europe, while also responding to societal challenges and strengthening communities, with a particular focus on promoting social inclusion. The programme implements the following operational Actions: volunteering, traineeships and jobs and solidarity projects.

An ESC volunteer must be between 18 and 30 years old and the volunteering must be full-time (between 30 and 38 hours per week).

A ESC volunteer gets basic costs covered (travel, accommodation and food) as well as a small allowance for personal expenses. If you have special needs, these costs should be covered too. Check with the hosting organisation how this works.

More information about ESC.

Training Courses

Erasmus+ supports the professional development of youth workers through training or networking periods abroad.Periods abroad can consist of training courses, study visits, job shadowing or observation periods at relevant organisations and more. Youth workers' mobility must last between 2 days and 2 months. To go abroad with Erasmus+ as a youth worker, your organisation must be part of a youth mobility project with another institution or organisation; you cannot directly apply as an individual. 

More information about training courses.

Youth Exchanges

Youth exchanges allow groups of young people from different countries to meet, live together and work on shared projects for short periods.Youth exchanges last between 5 and 21 days. Youth exchanges take place outside the school environment. On a youth exchange, you can expect to participate in activities such as workshops, exercises, debates, role-plays, outdoor activities and more.

More information about youth exchanges.

Information about inclusion and diversity in the EU Youth Programmes.