Services and data found on this page cannot be guaranteed.
You should always contact the institution directly to ensure that you have the right information.
The information about this institution was updated on 27/December/2023.
Institution details
59.8561078, 17.6378516
Disability / Inclusion Office
International Relations Office
Contact for International Relations Office
Additional information about contacting the International Relations Office
Procedures for students
Procedure to be recognised as a student with fewer opportunities
What is the procedure to be recognised as a student with fewer opportunities?
Anyone in need of support due to disability can discuss these issues with our director of studies Erik Åkerlund. Please contact him in advance, for guidance on an individual basis, with the aim to find solutions that will make the studies at our institute both stimulating and enjoyable.
Necessary documents to provide
What can students expect?
accessible building (ramp, elevator); ALSS for hearing impaired; tailored tutoring for other disabilities.
Procedure to be recognised as a student with a disability
Adjustments for students with disabilities
Adjustments can be made available for students under certain conditions, based on a needs assessment upon arrival at the University.
What adjustments for studies can be made for students?
- May bring a note taker to educational activities
- May bring a personal assistant to educational activities
- May bring a Sign Language interpreter to the educational activities
- May request adjusted courses materials: size, font and font size, braille, etc.
- May request the course material in digital format
- May request to record lectures
- May use a laptop, tablet or iPad during lectures
- May use elevators and other access facilities on campus
What adjustments for exams can be made for students?
Other adjustments and services for students with disabilities offered at the institution
Services and Support
Financial support
Medical and Psychological support
Where to seek medical services?
The Newman Institute cares about the health and well-being of its students and therefore, although its resources don´t allow an intern medical center, it has an agreement with Ekeby health center, which offers advice and supportive conversations both at the health center and digitally. Read more here
Contact for medical support
Contact for psychological support/counselling
Housing support
Are there any accessible services at the residences?
The residence is accessible via ramp and elevator. For more details please take contact with the contact for housing support.
Contact for housing support
Additional services
Preparatory visits
What is the procedure to request a preparatory visit?
Email [email protected] and specify the reason for the visit
What can be expected from the preparatory visit?
Guided tour around the building with customized proposal for solutions.