Services and data found on this page cannot be guaranteed.
You should always contact the institution directly to ensure that you have the right information.
The information about this institution was updated on 13/December/2023.
Institution details
59.3416182, 18.0567906
Disability / Inclusion Office
Contact for Disability Office
Additional information about contacting the Disability/Inclusion Office
Special Needs at Stockholm School of Economics is a part of AGO, Academic Guidance Office. Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any question regarding the special needs support at Stockholm School of Economics.
SSE also has a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Manager. Read more at
International Relations Office
Procedures for students
Procedure to be recognised as a student with fewer opportunities
Procedure to be recognised as a student with a disability
What is the procedure to be recognised as a student with a disability?
Before you apply in our system Nais, make sure you have a certificate that is issued by a licensed healthcare professional such as a doctor, psychologist, audiologist or Special Education Pedagogue. The certificate must be issued in Swedish or English. After you applied for support, book a meeting with a Special needs coordinator at SSE and we will go through the application together with you.
Necessary documents to provide
A certificate that is issued by a licensed healthcare professional such as a doctor, psychologist, audiologist or Special Education Pedagogue. The certificate must be issued in Swedish or English.
What can students expect?
Support that we can offer is for example:
50 % more time on written exams.
Note taking support from lectures and seminars.
Adjustments for students with disabilities
Adjustments can be made available for students under certain conditions, based on a needs assessment upon arrival at the University.
What adjustments for studies can be made for students?
- May bring a note taker to educational activities
- May request adjusted courses materials: size, font and font size, braille, etc.
- May request the course material in digital format
- May request to record lectures
- May use a laptop, tablet or iPad during lectures
- May use elevators and other access facilities on campus
What adjustments for exams can be made for students?
- May bring a Sign Language interpreter to oral exams
- May move the exams to the appropriate catch-up exam period within the same exam period
- May take a seat in separate exam room for written exams
- May take more preparation time before the oral exam
- May take more time for the written exam
- May use a laptop, tablet or iPad with assistive software during exams
- May use a laptop, tablet or iPad with standard software during exams
Other adjustments and services for students with disabilities offered at the institution
Students may take the exams in smaller classrooms with fewer students.
Services and Support
Financial support
Medical and Psychological support
Housing support
Are there any accessible services at the residences?
Some housing is accessible. Contact the Housing Office for more information.
Contact for housing support
Additional services
Preparatory visits
Welcoming activities
What specific information is provided for students with disabilities during the orientation days?
Information about how to apply for pedagogical assistance is provided by the Academic Guidance Office.