
Outgoing students

Erasmus+ Inclusion Support

The higher education legislation uses the definition of a person with a disability given by the Law no. 448/2006 on the protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities:

“Persons with disabilities are those whose social environment, unadapted to their physical, sensorial, mental, and / or associated deficiencies, totally impedes them or limits their access with equal opportunities to the life of the society, requiring protection measures in support of integration and social inclusion.”

Additionally, the Law no. 448/2006 uses the following general definition of disability: ”the generic term for impairments / deficiencies, activity limitations and participation restrictions, defined according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, adopted and approved by the World Health Organization, and which reveals the negative aspect of the individual-context interaction."

Target groups


Special Needs support: Who is eligible to request real cost support

Other Inclusion support provided

National Inclusion Support

This Country has not provided information about National Inclusion Support for outgoing students.

Incoming students

National Inclusion Support

This Country has not provided information about about National Inclusion Support for incoming students.

National Policies

Erasmus+ National Inclusion Strategy

National definition of underrepresented groups in Higher Education

Strategies and policy measures to widen participation in Higher Education

The Erasmus+ Romanian National Agency (ANPCDEFP) Inclusion Strategy 2016-2021 focuses on certain areas and target groups (including persons with special needs) according to the national context, considering the recurrent needs identified through the projects in the past years, while being in line with the European and specific ESF inclusiveness priorities in Romania. This strategy will be further enhanced for the 2021-2027 period.

In 2019, several success stories of students with special needs who benefited from a mobility experience were published by the Erasmus+ Romanian National Agency in the monthly newsletter „ANews”, with the purpose of raising awareness (October, November and December issues). An additional article was published in the November 2020 issue of the Market Watch magazine.

