Services and data found on this page cannot be guaranteed.
You should always contact the institution directly to ensure that you have the right information.
The information about this institution was updated on 06/November/2023.
Institution details
D04 V1W8
53.3091808, -6.233707
Disability / Inclusion Office
Contact for Disability Office
Additional information about contacting the Disability/Inclusion Office
International Relations Office
Contact for International Relations Office
Additional information about contacting the International Relations Office
Procedures for students
Procedure to be recognised as a student with fewer opportunities
Procedure to be recognised as a student with a disability
What is the procedure to be recognised as a student with a disability?
All students with a disability or significant ongoing illness in UCD have the opportunity to receive relevant academic and/or exam supports. To receive these supports students are invited to complete a needs assessment with UCD Access & Lifelong Learning. To make an appointment for a needs assessment, please email us at [email protected]. A member of the team will ask you to complete a short online Needs Assessment Request form, where you will also upload a copy of your documentation. Once you have submitted the form and the relevant documentation, a Needs Assessment meeting will be organised for you. During this meeting you will have a chance to discuss what exam and classroom supports will be required during your time in UCD.
Necessary documents to provide
The documents required vary depending on the disability. Information on what documents are required is outlined here. Queries relating to documentation can be sent to [email protected]
What can students expect?
Students registering for disability supports are required to provide documentation showing a diagnosis of a disability or significant ongoing illness. It is often best to organise this before the beginning of the trimester. During the Needs Assessment students can expect to have a discussion with a member of the disability team about the supports that will be appropriate for them during their time in UCD.
Adjustments for students with disabilities
Adjustments can be made available for students under certain conditions, based on a needs assessment upon arrival at the University.
What adjustments for studies can be made for students?
- May bring a note taker to educational activities
- May bring a personal assistant to educational activities
- May bring a Sign Language interpreter to the educational activities
- May request adjusted courses materials: size, font and font size, braille, etc.
- May request the course material in digital format
- May request to record lectures
- May use a laptop, tablet or iPad during lectures
- May use elevators and other access facilities on campus
What adjustments for exams can be made for students?
- May bring a Sign Language interpreter to oral exams
- May take a seat in separate exam room for written exams
- May take more time for the written exam
- May use a laptop, tablet or iPad with assistive software during exams
- May use a laptop, tablet or iPad with standard software during exams
Other adjustments and services for students with disabilities offered at the institution
Awareness supports for lecturers and module coordinators. Provision of a wide range of Assistive Technology for lectures and assignments for instance text to speech software and proofreading software.
Exam supports include a smaller exam location, having exam location close to the bathroom, permission to bring Food or Drink into the exam centre, Grading Guidelines in relation to spelling, grammar and written expression for students with specific learning difficulties (dyslexia).
Services and Support
Financial support
Medical and Psychological support
Where to seek medical services?
The Student Health Service is located on campus and can be accessed by all UCD Students. There is a wide range of services available such as general practitioner doctor, nurse and a Free Student Counselling Service. The Student Counselling Service is a free and confidential service staffed by professionally qualified psychologists and counsellors. Students can contact the Health Centre by phone or as directed on their website.
UCD has an extensive array of student support services. Meet peers, counsellors, and professionals from different backgrounds all here to support you.
Contact for medical support
Contact for psychological support/counselling
Housing support
Are there any accessible services at the residences?
UCD Residences have a number of wheelchair accessible rooms available for booking across the UCD Residence Villages. Priority for accessible rooms is given to students with a physical disability (for instance students with mobility disabilities) or sensory disability (students who are blind/ visually impaired or students who are Deaf/ Hard of Hearing) who require the adapted features of the room.
These rooms are available to incoming, continuing, postgraduate students, and single trimester students. If you are an international student who requires a room with adapted features please contact UCD Global and the residence room booking team at [email protected]
Please note, if a student requires a full-time Personal Assistant who needs to stay in Residences overnight, the student must book a separate room for their Personal Assistant. This room will be charged at the same rate as the student’s room, meaning the student must pay for the price of two rooms.
If you require a Service Dog, there are some single occupancy studio apartments which students with Service Dogs can book. Students who utilise a Service Dog and who are considering attending University College Dublin must contact UCD Access & Lifelong Learning prior to accepting their offer to discuss their individual needs and to ensure that any necessary supports that they require can be made fully available to them and their Service Dog. For more information on having a service dog on campus please contact [email protected]. More information can also be found in the Animals on Campus Policy.
Please note that students residing in these rooms are not offered any reduction in fees nor receive any additional supervision or support from UCD Residences.
To learn more about the UCD campus residences, take a virtual tour here
Contact for housing support
Additional services
Preparatory visits
What is the procedure to request a preparatory visit?
If you would like to speak to a member of the disability team in relation to the supports which are available to students' with disabilities please contact [email protected] to arrange a meeting.
What can be expected from the preparatory visit?
A discussion with a member of the team about the needs of the student and what supports are available.
Welcoming activities
What specific information is provided for students with disabilities during the orientation days?
UCD Global orientation days run for a week before the trimester starts. Don't miss out by keeping track of our academic calendar.
If you are an offer holder, check out what Orientation 2021 has in store for you.
You may also wish to join the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) here. Connect with International Students Society for some fun activities
Take a look at all the other Societies and clubs on campus to connect, engage, and make the most of your time in UCD.