Services and data found on this page cannot be guaranteed.
You should always contact the institution directly to ensure that you have the right information.
The information about this institution was updated on 06/November/2023.
Institution details
51000 RIJEKA
45.3257388, 14.4540436
Disability / Inclusion Office
Contact for Disability Office
Additional information about contacting the Disability/Inclusion Office
International Relations Office
Contact for International Relations Office
Additional information about contacting the International Relations Office
Procedures for students
Procedure to be recognised as a student with fewer opportunities
Procedure to be recognised as a student with a disability
Adjustments for students with disabilities
Adjustments can be made available for students under certain conditions, based on a needs assessment upon arrival at the University.
What adjustments for studies can be made for students?
What adjustments for exams can be made for students?
Other adjustments and services for students with disabilities offered at the institution
University of Rijeka has only one laptop with installed software for students with visual impairment, audio books can be requested from Croatian library for blind in Zagreb (, University of Rijeka is in cooperation with Udruga Zamisli ( which owns braille printer.
Services and Support
Financial support
Medical and Psychological support
Where to seek medical services?
Contact for medical support
Contact for psychological support/counselling
Housing support
Are there any accessible services at the residences?
Contact for housing support
Additional services
Preparatory visits
Welcoming activities
What specific information is provided for students with disabilities during the orientation days?
University of Rijeka and disability unit, Ured za studente s invaliditetom, has lots of trained assistans and volunteers who are working and helping students with disabilities on personal basis helping them in everyday life.