Universitat Passau

Institution details

Official name: Universitat Passau
English name: University of Passau
Institution email: [email protected]
This institution has not provided a link to their examination regulations



Innstraße 41
94032 Passau

48.5677779, 13.4527974


This institution does not have any campus or has not added any campus to their page.


Disability / Inclusion Office

Responsible person
Dr. Ulrike Bunge
Phone number
+49 851 509-1151; +49 851 509-1154
Room JUR 014

Additional information about contacting the Disability/Inclusion Office

International Relations Office

Phone number
+49 851 509-1164
Room VW 103 - 112

Additional information about contacting the International Relations Office

Procedures for students

Procedure to be recognised as a student with fewer opportunities

This institution has not provided information about how to be recognised as a student with fewer opportunities.

Procedure to be recognised as a student with a disability

You are eligible to apply for access arrangements if you suffer from a disability or chronic or mental illness that puts you at a disadvantage in examinations or that prevents you from completing your studies within the maximum period of study.

According to SGB IX § 2(1), people are disabled if they have "physical, mental, spiritual and sensory impairments which, in interaction with attitudinal and environmental barriers, are highly likely to prevent them from participating equally in society for more than six months".

In order to apply for access arrangements, you need a current medical certificate which contains information on how your disability or illness affects you during your studies and which examination arrangements are to be made.

Contents of the certificate should be:

  1. The time of the medical examination
  2. a description of the current, exam-relevant physical, mental and/or psychological impairment by a medical doctor. This should be written in a specific and generally comprehensible way, so that the University can determine on its basis to what extent and in what form an access arrangement should be granted.
  3. the onset and probable duration of the disability.

It is helpful if the doctor can make a suggestion as to the type and extent of access arrangement needed. The University does not have to follow this advice, but it helps the board of examiners to better assess the impairment.

In addition to the medical certificate, you must submit an informal written application to the examinations office, explaining the reasons for your request and the type of access arrangement you are seeking.

If you have confirmation letters from your school or previous university studies showing that you have already been granted access arrangements, please enclose them with your application. If available, please also submit a copy of your disability card.

You should always discuss the application for access arrangements with your lecturers.

It is important that you submit your application as early as possible in your degree programme, but you must submit it before the exam registration deadline. This ensures that we can make the necessary arrangements when organising the examinations.

The chairperson of the board of examiners has final say over the approval of applications for access arrangements. This process usually takes up to three weeks. The examinations office will inform you of the decision. 

If an access arrangement is granted, you are obliged to inform those responsible for planning your exam.

You must take a printout of the official notice with you to the exams.

Access arrangements are special dispensations that compensate for disadvantages brought about by a candidate's disability; the point is not to give the candidates an advantage over fellow students but to level the playing field, i.e. enabling the students concerned to complete their studies and examinations under conditions that are as equal as possible to those of non-disabled students.

Since such compensatory measures must always be adapted to the individual needs of a person, there can be no generally binding information on certain modifications of examinations for certain disabilities or chronic illnesses. In co-operation with teaching staff, the disabilities officer and the examinations office, should work to find the best possible solution for each individual.

Any access arrangement granted will not be disclosed in your degree certificate!

Please do not hesitate to seek advice from the Student Disabilities Officer, Dr. Ulrike Bunge. She is subject to the obligation of secrecy, advises neutrally and without obligation, also anonymously if you wish. You can arrange a consultation appointment by calling +49 851 509 1154.

This institution has not provided information about if the procedure applies for both local and international students

Adjustments for students with disabilities

  • May bring a note taker to educational activities
  • May bring a personal assistant to educational activities
  • May bring a Sign Language interpreter to the educational activities
  • May request adjusted courses materials: size, font and font size, braille, etc.
  • May request the course material in digital format
  • May request to record lectures

What adjustments for exams can be made for students?

  • Time extensions for written examinations, term papers, thesis/dissertation and/or oral examinations
  • Breaks during examinations that are not counted towards the working time
  • Examination in a separate room with a separate invigilator
  • Change of the examination method: Replacement of written by oral examination or vice versa; individual instead of group examination
  • Extension of the period of study
  • Use of technical aids
  • Study assistance in the form of a student assistant (reading texts aloud, taking notes in class, text entry into a computer system)

Services and Support

Financial support

There are a number of scholarships that can be used to finance your studies.

The decisive factor for a successful application is not only an above-average academic performance. Political or social commitment also play a role in the awarding of most scholarships. You will find an overview of important scholarships and current announcements on the scholarships page of the University of Passau.


Medical and Psychological support

Where to seek medical services?

Responsible person
Maria Zessin; Dr. Lisa Huber-Flammersfeld
Phone number
+49(0)851/509-1170; +49(0)851/509-1171
Room JUR 013

Housing support

Are there any accessible services at the residences?

Responsible person
Alexandra Winterkorn
Phone number
+49 851 509-1161
Room VW 103

Additional services

This institution does not provide additional support appart of those listed above.


Preparatory visits

This institution has not provided information about preparatory visits.

Welcoming activities

The orientation weeks for international students take place at the University of Passau before the beginning of each semester.

The orientation weeks will help you to prepare for your studies but also – and perhaps even more importantly! – provide great opportunities to get to know Passau and your fellow students.
