
Outgoing students

Erasmus+ Inclusion Support

On the national level, the Swiss Federal Act on the Elimination of Discrimination against People with Disabilities (Disability Discrimination Act, DDA) provides the following definition of a person with a disability: “[…] a person who, due to a physical, mental or psychological impairment which is likely to be permanent, finds it difficult or is unable to carry out everyday tasks, cultivate social contacts, move around, obtain an education or training, or work.”

The DDA “lays down general conditions that make it easier for people with disabilities to participate in society […] and to have access to basic and advanced education and training and to employment”. The DDA explicitly also applies to education (Art. 3 (f)).

Education (including higher education) constitutes a matter of cantonal (not national) legislation. In addition, higher education institutions are autonomous bodies with their own individual rules and regulations. These are the reasons why there is no national definition for disability in higher education in place.

Target groups


Special Needs support: Who is eligible to request real cost support

Other Inclusion support provided

National Inclusion Support

This Country has not provided information about National Inclusion Support for outgoing students.

Incoming students

National Inclusion Support

This Country has not provided information about about National Inclusion Support for incoming students.

National Policies

Erasmus+ National Inclusion Strategy

National definition of underrepresented groups in Higher Education

Strategies and policy measures to widen participation in Higher Education

The legislative basis for the promotion and funding of mobility in education is the Ordinance on International Cooperation in Education, Professional Education and Training, Youth Affairs and Mobility. In Art. 4(c), the ordinance explicitly mentions that additional financial resources can be awarded to support individuals with disabilities within the framework of mobility project funding.

This policy ensures inclusive mobility for students and higher education staff with disabilities.

