Padagogische Hochschule Tirol

Institution details

Official name: Padagogische Hochschule Tirol
English name: University College of Teacher Education Tyrol
Institution email: [email protected]




47.2532474, 11.3952362



Disability / Inclusion Office

Responsible person
Phone number
+43 512 59923
Pastorstraße 7, A-6010 Innsbruck, Austria

Additional information about contacting the Disability/Inclusion Office

International Relations Office

Responsible person
Eva Maria Proßegger
Phone number
+43 664 93 55 999
Pastorstraße 7, A-6010 Innsbruck, Austria

Additional information about contacting the International Relations Office

Procedures for students

Procedure to be recognised as a student with fewer opportunities

please contact [email protected]

please contact [email protected]

personalised advice and support

there is no support for with fewer opportunities;
support for local students is provided by other organisations

Procedure to be recognised as a student with a disability

please contact Eva Maria Proßegger (+43 664 93 55 999)  [email protected]

please contact Eva Maria Proßegger (+43 664 93 55 999)  [email protected]

personalised advice and support

This procedure is applicable for both local and international students

Adjustments for students with disabilities

  • May bring a note taker to educational activities
  • May bring a personal assistant to educational activities
  • May bring a Sign Language interpreter to the educational activities
  • May request the course material in digital format
  • May request to record lectures
  • May use a laptop, tablet or iPad during lectures
  • May use elevators and other access facilities on campus
  • May bring a note taker to oral and written exams
  • May bring a personal assistant to the exam for practical help at the beginning and end of the exam
  • May bring a Sign Language interpreter to oral exams
  • May move the exams to the appropriate catch-up exam period within the same exam period
  • May take a seat in separate exam room for written exams
  • May take more preparation time before the oral exam
  • May take more time for the written exam
  • May use a laptop, tablet or iPad with assistive software during exams
  • May use a laptop, tablet or iPad with standard software during exams

Other adjustments and services for students with disabilities offered at the institution

Services and Support

Financial support

This institution does not offer extra financial support for incoming students with disabilities.

Medical and Psychological support

This institution does not provide medical support.

Housing support

This institution does not provide housing support.

Additional services

This institution does not provide additional support appart of those listed above.


Preparatory visits

please contact [email protected]

according to personal needs

Welcoming activities

according to personal needs