
Outgoing students

Erasmus+ Inclusion Support

The Equal Treatment Act (Wet Gelijke Behandeling | WGB) obliges Dutch universities to help disabled students with provisions needed to successfully complete their studies. Dutch higher education institutions are obliged to offer students with disabilities arrangements and facilities, as long as they are reasonable. However, the educational institutions are not obliged to have all the facilities in place until a student asks for them. Therefore, most universities argue that it is the students’ responsibility to arrange the facilities they need.

Included in the Dutch definition of a disability are psychical, sensory, cognitive and psychological disabilities (e.g. depression, dyslexia, autism, ADD and ADHD) and chronic illnesses.

Apart from students with a disability, there are students in special circumstances. Think for example of pregnant students of students in a gender transition process. They could also need special adjustments or accommodations.

Target groups


Special Needs support: Who is eligible to request real cost support

Other Inclusion support provided

National Inclusion Support

This Country has not provided information about National Inclusion Support for outgoing students.

Incoming students

National Inclusion Support

This Country has not provided information about about National Inclusion Support for incoming students.

National Policies

Erasmus+ National Inclusion Strategy

National definition of underrepresented groups in Higher Education

Strategies and policy measures to widen participation in Higher Education

As mentioned before, Dutch higher education institutions are obliged to offer students with special needs arrangements and facilities, as long as they are reasonable. According to the Dutch Equal Treatment Act, the adjustments must comply with two conditions:

  1. The modification/provision must be suitable
  2. The modification/provision must be necessary

More information can be found on

