
Outgoing students

Erasmus+ Inclusion Support

‘Disability’ is defined broadly under Irish law. The Disability Act (Government of Ireland, 2005) sets out the following definition: “disability”, in relation to a person, means a substantial restriction in the capacity of the person to carry on a profession, business or occupation in the State or to participate in social or cultural life in the State by reason of an enduring physical, sensory, mental health or intellectual impairment.

This definition is broad and incorporates a wide range of conditions and illnesses including: physical and sensory disabilities, Specific Learning Difficulties, ADD/ADHD, Dyspraxia, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Significant on-going illnesses, Speech & Language Difficulties and mental health difficulties.


Target groups


Special Needs support: Who is eligible to request real cost support

Other Inclusion support provided

National Inclusion Support

This Country has not provided information about National Inclusion Support for outgoing students.

Incoming students

National Inclusion Support

This Country has not provided information about about National Inclusion Support for incoming students.

National Policies

Erasmus+ National Inclusion Strategy

National definition of underrepresented groups in Higher Education

Strategies and policy measures to widen participation in Higher Education

As part of its audit and monitoring visits to Irish HEI’s participating in Erasmus+, the HEA (Higher Education Authority) international section actively engages with Disability Officers based at each institution to communicate the opportunities available to students with disabilities to partake in Erasmus + and of the additional supports available to them.

The HEA gathers this data using the Equal Access Survey (EAS) of new entrants only. Other data is also available through the reporting associated with the Fund for Students with Disabilities (FSD).


