Lappeenrannan-Lahden Teknillinen Yliopisto Lut

Institution details

Official name: Lappeenrannan-Lahden Teknillinen Yliopisto Lut
English name: LUT University
Institution email: [email protected]
This institution has not provided a link to their study programmes
This institution has not provided a link to their student guide
This institution has not provided a link to their examination regulations



Yliopistonkatu 34
53850 Lappeenranta

61.06692905, 28.090528799872


This institution does not have any campus or has not added any campus to their page.


Disability / Inclusion Office

This institution does not have a Disability / Inclusion Office.

International Relations Office

Responsible person
Mari Tuukkanen
Phone number

Main contact for incoming student exchanges: [email protected]

Further information on exchange studies at LUT University available on our web pages.

Procedures for students

Procedure to be recognised as a student with fewer opportunities

This institution has not provided information about how to be recognised as a student with fewer opportunities.

Procedure to be recognised as a student with a disability

This institution has not provided information about how to be recognised as a student with a disability.

Adjustments for students with disabilities

This institution has not provided information about adjustments for students.

Services and Support

Financial support

This institution does not offer extra financial support for incoming students with disabilities.

Medical and Psychological support

This institution does not provide medical support.

Housing support

This institution does not provide housing support.

Additional services

This institution does not provide additional support appart of those listed above.


Preparatory visits

In order to organize a preparatory visit of the incoming exchange student with special needs, please contact [email protected] in good time advance.

What is mutually agreed upon in advance.

Welcoming activities

The institution organises orientation days but no specific information is provided for student with disabilities.