
Outgoing students

Erasmus+ Inclusion Support

“A disabled person is anyone who has a physical, mental or sensory impairment, of a stable or progressive nature, that causes difficulty in learning, establishing relationships or obtaining employment and therefore places the person in a situation of social disadvantage or exclusion”. This definition is contained in Law 104/1992, which is the main legal framework for all disability issues in Italy: it guarantees specific rights for people with disabilities and their families, provides assistance, stipulates full integration and the adoption of measures for prevention and functional recovery, and also ensures social, economic and legal protection.


Italian Law 104/1992 guarantees the right of education to disabled persons in every education cycle.

The disabled person integration within University is carried out as follows:

− providing technical equipment and teaching aids to University, signing agreements with specialized centers for pedagogical consultancy, and production of specific teaching material;

− creation of specialized tutoring/mentoring services;

− planning of specific interventions, provided by University, in accordance with both people needs and individual study program;

− assignment of professional specialized interpreters to University in order to facilitate the attendance and learning of deaf students;

− allow a personalized treatment to get the university exams with the subject matter expert agreement and the tutoring/mentoring service support;

− allow the possibility to carry out tests based on the specialized tutoring/mentoring service input;

− appointment of a Rector’s Delegate, for coordination, monitoring and support of all initiatives concerning integration within the university; 

− Tutoring/mentoring support can also be provided by “peer to peer advisors”, in other words, people with disabilities who have already faced and solved similar problems to those that need of them for support;

Furthermore, in order to guarantee the right to access and complete Higher Education, the legislative decree n. 68/2012 exempts students with disabilities up to sixty-six percent of registration fees and university contributions.


For more information:


LAW February 5, 1992, n. 104 Framework law for assistance, used social and the rights of disabled people


LAW 28 January 1999, n. 17 Integration and amendment of the framework law 5 February 1992, n. 104, for assistance, social creation and the rights of disabled people


LEGISLATIVE DECREE March 29, 2012, n. 68 Revision of the principle legislation on the right to education


Target groups


Special Needs support: Who is eligible to request real cost support

Other Inclusion support provided

National Inclusion Support

This Country has not provided information about National Inclusion Support for outgoing students.

Incoming students

National Inclusion Support

This Country has not provided information about about National Inclusion Support for incoming students.

National Policies

Erasmus+ National Inclusion Strategy

National definition of underrepresented groups in Higher Education

Strategies and policy measures to widen participation in Higher Education

In the national regulations (Law 104/1992, Law 17/1999, Legislative Decree 68/2012) there is no explicit mention of mobility, but students participation in all activities must be guaranteed.

In early 2001, within the CRUI (Conference of the Rectors of Italian Universities), the CNUDD (National University Conference for Delegates for Disability) was established. This is an organisation capable of representing the policies and the activities of the Italian universities for disabled students.

